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Outdoor learning is essential to child development


Just like our indoor classrooms, our outdoor space follows the Montessori philosophy and early years foundation stage. Thoughtfully chosen materials and play structures encourage open-ended exploration and learning through hands-on experiences.

Our outdoor space engages all the senses. From the texture of leaves to the sound of birds chirping, children delight in sensory-rich experiences that contribute to their cognitive development.

Safety is paramount. Our outdoor space is designed to provide a secure environment where children can freely explore, discover, and learn while under the watchful eye of our trained staff.

The outdoor area seamlessly complements our indoor curriculum. Nature walks, gardening, and outdoor art activities integrate with our Montessori principles, enhancing your child's overall learning journey.


Unleashing Curiosity: Our outdoor space serves as a boundless canvas for exploration. Children are naturally curious beings, and the outdoors ignite their senses, fostering a deep connection with the world around them.

Physical Development

Engaging in outdoor activities promotes physical development and gross motor skills. From climbing and running to jumping and balancing, our outdoor space encourages active play, helping children build strength and coordination.


Learning Through Exploration

The outdoor space becomes a living laboratory where children can observe, inquire, and learn about the environment, seasons, and the fascinating creatures that inhabit it.